import os import torch import pandas as pd import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.optim import lr_scheduler # tqdm用来记录notebook训练的进度条 from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
from sklearn import model_selection from sklearn import metrics import transformers import tokenizers from transformers import AdamW from transformers import get_linear_schedule_with_warmup
for ind in (i for i, e in enumerate(tweet) if e == selected_text[1]): if" " + tweet[ind: ind+len_st] == selected_text: idx0 = ind idx1 = ind + len_st - 1 break
char_targets = [0] * len(tweet) if idx0 != Noneand idx1 != None: for ct in range(idx0, idx1 + 1): char_targets[ct] = 1 tok_tweet = tokenizer.encode(tweet) input_ids_orig = tok_tweet.ids tweet_offsets = tok_tweet.offsets target_idx = [] for j, (offset1, offset2) in enumerate(tweet_offsets): if sum(char_targets[offset1: offset2]) > 0: target_idx.append(j) targets_start = target_idx[0] targets_end = target_idx[-1]
defloss_fn(start_logits, end_logits, start_positions, end_positions): """ Return the sum of the cross entropy losses for both the start and end logits """ loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() start_loss = loss_fct(start_logits, start_positions) end_loss = loss_fct(end_logits, end_positions) total_loss = (start_loss + end_loss) return total_loss
deftrain_fn(data_loader, model, optimizer, device, scheduler=None): """ Trains the bert model on the twitter data """ # Set model to training mode (dropout + sampled batchnorm is activated) model.train() losses = utils.AverageMeter() jaccards = utils.AverageMeter()
# Set tqdm to add loading screen and set the length tk0 = tqdm(data_loader, total=len(data_loader)) # Train the model on each batch for bi, d in enumerate(tk0):
# Move ids, masks, and targets to gpu while setting as torch.long ids =, dtype=torch.long) token_type_ids =, dtype=torch.long) mask =, dtype=torch.long) targets_start =, dtype=torch.long) targets_end =, dtype=torch.long)
# Reset gradients model.zero_grad() # Use ids, masks, and token types as input to the model # Predict logits for each of the input tokens for each batch outputs_start, outputs_end = model( ids=ids, mask=mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, ) # (bs x SL), (bs x SL) # Calculate batch loss based on CrossEntropy loss = loss_fn(outputs_start, outputs_end, targets_start, targets_end) # Calculate gradients based on loss loss.backward() # Adjust weights based on calculated gradients optimizer.step() # Update scheduler scheduler.step() # Apply softmax to the start and end logits # This squeezes each of the logits in a sequence to a value between 0 and 1, while ensuring that they sum to 1 # This is similar to the characteristics of "probabilities" outputs_start = torch.softmax(outputs_start, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy() outputs_end = torch.softmax(outputs_end, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy() # Calculate the jaccard score based on the predictions for this batch jaccard_scores = [] for px, tweet in enumerate(orig_tweet): selected_tweet = orig_selected[px] tweet_sentiment = sentiment[px] jaccard_score, _ = calculate_jaccard_score( original_tweet=tweet, # Full text of the px'th tweet in the batch target_string=selected_tweet, # Span containing the specified sentiment for the px'th tweet in the batch sentiment_val=tweet_sentiment, # Sentiment of the px'th tweet in the batch idx_start=np.argmax(outputs_start[px, :]), # Predicted start index for the px'th tweet in the batch idx_end=np.argmax(outputs_end[px, :]), # Predicted end index for the px'th tweet in the batch offsets=offsets[px] # Offsets for each of the tokens for the px'th tweet in the batch ) jaccard_scores.append(jaccard_score) # Update the jaccard score and loss # For details, refer to `AverageMeter` in jaccards.update(np.mean(jaccard_scores), ids.size(0)) losses.update(loss.item(), ids.size(0)) # Print the average loss and jaccard score at the end of each batch tk0.set_postfix(loss=losses.avg, jaccard=jaccards.avg)
defcalculate_jaccard_score( original_tweet, target_string, sentiment_val, idx_start, idx_end, offsets, verbose=False): """ Calculate the jaccard score from the predicted span and the actual span for a batch of tweets """ # A span's start index has to be greater than or equal to the end index # If this doesn't hold, the start index is set to equal the end index (the span is a single token) if idx_end < idx_start: idx_end = idx_start # Combine into a string the tokens that belong to the predicted span filtered_output = "" for ix in range(idx_start, idx_end + 1): filtered_output += original_tweet[offsets[ix][0]: offsets[ix][1]] # If the token is not the last token in the tweet, and the ending offset of the current token is less # than the beginning offset of the following token, add a space. # Basically, add a space when the next token (word piece) corresponds to a new word if (ix+1) < len(offsets) and offsets[ix][1] < offsets[ix+1][0]: filtered_output += " "
# Set the predicted output as the original tweet when the tweet's sentiment is "neutral", or the tweet only contains one word if sentiment_val == "neutral"or len(original_tweet.split()) < 2: filtered_output = original_tweet
# Calculate the jaccard score between the predicted span, and the actual span # The IOU (intersection over union) approach is detailed in the utils module's `jaccard` function: # jac = utils.jaccard(target_string.strip(), filtered_output.strip()) return jac, filtered_output
defeval_fn(data_loader, model, device): """ Evaluation function to predict on the test set """ # Set model to evaluation mode # I.e., turn off dropout and set batchnorm to use overall mean and variance (from training), rather than batch level mean and variance # Reference: model.eval() losses = utils.AverageMeter() jaccards = utils.AverageMeter() # Turns off gradient calculations ( with torch.no_grad(): tk0 = tqdm(data_loader, total=len(data_loader)) # Make predictions and calculate loss / jaccard score for each batch for bi, d in enumerate(tk0): ids = d["ids"] token_type_ids = d["token_type_ids"] mask = d["mask"] sentiment = d["sentiment"] orig_selected = d["orig_selected"] orig_tweet = d["orig_tweet"] targets_start = d["targets_start"] targets_end = d["targets_end"] offsets = d["offsets"].numpy()
# Predict logits for start and end indexes outputs_start, outputs_end = model( ids=ids, mask=mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids ) # Calculate loss for the batch loss = loss_fn(outputs_start, outputs_end, targets_start, targets_end) # Apply softmax to the predicted logits for the start and end indexes # This converts the "logits" to "probability-like" scores outputs_start = torch.softmax(outputs_start, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy() outputs_end = torch.softmax(outputs_end, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy() # Calculate jaccard scores for each tweet in the batch jaccard_scores = [] for px, tweet in enumerate(orig_tweet): selected_tweet = orig_selected[px] tweet_sentiment = sentiment[px] jaccard_score, _ = calculate_jaccard_score( original_tweet=tweet, target_string=selected_tweet, sentiment_val=tweet_sentiment, idx_start=np.argmax(outputs_start[px, :]), idx_end=np.argmax(outputs_end[px, :]), offsets=offsets[px] ) jaccard_scores.append(jaccard_score)
# Update running jaccard score and loss jaccards.update(np.mean(jaccard_scores), ids.size(0)) losses.update(loss.item(), ids.size(0)) # Print the running average loss and jaccard score tk0.set_postfix(loss=losses.avg, jaccard=jaccards.avg) print(f"Jaccard = {jaccards.avg}") return jaccards.avg
defrun(fold): """ Train model for a speciied fold """ # Read training csv dfx = pd.read_csv(config.TRAINING_FILE)
# Set train validation set split df_train = dfx[dfx.kfold != fold].reset_index(drop=True) df_valid = dfx[dfx.kfold == fold].reset_index(drop=True) # Instantiate TweetDataset with training data train_dataset = TweetDataset( tweet=df_train.text.values, sentiment=df_train.sentiment.values, selected_text=df_train.selected_text.values )
# Instantiate DataLoader with `train_dataset` # This is a generator that yields the dataset in batches train_data_loader = train_dataset, batch_size=config.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, num_workers=4 )
# Instantiate TweetDataset with validation data valid_dataset = TweetDataset( tweet=df_valid.text.values, sentiment=df_valid.sentiment.values, selected_text=df_valid.selected_text.values )
# Set device as `cuda` (GPU) device = torch.device("cuda") # Load pretrained BERT (bert-base-uncased) model_config = transformers.RobertaConfig.from_pretrained(config.ROBERTA_PATH) # Output hidden states # This is important to set since we want to concatenate the hidden states from the last 2 BERT layers model_config.output_hidden_states = True # Instantiate our model with `model_config` model = TweetModel(conf=model_config) # Move the model to the GPU
# Calculate the number of training steps num_train_steps = int(len(df_train) / config.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE * config.EPOCHS) # Get the list of named parameters param_optimizer = list(model.named_parameters()) # Specify parameters where weight decay shouldn't be applied no_decay = ["bias", "LayerNorm.bias", "LayerNorm.weight"] # Define two sets of parameters: those with weight decay, and those without optimizer_parameters = [ {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer ifnot any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.001}, {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0}, ] # Instantiate AdamW optimizer with our two sets of parameters, and a learning rate of 3e-5 optimizer = AdamW(optimizer_parameters, lr=3e-5) # Create a scheduler to set the learning rate at each training step # "Create a schedule with a learning rate that decreases linearly after linearly increasing during a warmup period." ( # Since num_warmup_steps = 0, the learning rate starts at 3e-5, and then linearly decreases at each training step scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup( optimizer, num_warmup_steps=0, num_training_steps=num_train_steps )
# Apply early stopping with patience of 2 # This means to stop training new epochs when 2 rounds have passed without any improvement es = utils.EarlyStopping(patience=2, mode="max") print(f"Training is Starting for fold={fold}") # I'm training only for 3 epochs even though I specified 5!!! for epoch in range(5): train_fn(train_data_loader, model, optimizer, device, scheduler=scheduler) jaccard = eval_fn(valid_data_loader, model, device) print(f"Jaccard Score = {jaccard}") es(jaccard, model, model_path=f"model_{fold}.bin") if es.early_stop: print("Early stopping") break
# Load each of the five trained models and move to GPU model1 = TweetModel(conf=model_config) model1.load_state_dict(torch.load("model_0.bin")) model1.eval()
# Instantiate TweetDataset with the test data test_dataset = TweetDataset( tweet=df_test.text.values, sentiment=df_test.sentiment.values, selected_text=df_test.selected_text.values )
# Predict start and end logits for each of the five models outputs_start1, outputs_end1 = model1( ids=ids, mask=mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids ) outputs_start2, outputs_end2 = model2( ids=ids, mask=mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids ) outputs_start3, outputs_end3 = model3( ids=ids, mask=mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids ) outputs_start4, outputs_end4 = model4( ids=ids, mask=mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids ) outputs_start5, outputs_end5 = model5( ids=ids, mask=mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids ) # Get the average start and end logits across the five models and use these as predictions # This is a form of "ensembling" outputs_start = ( outputs_start1 + outputs_start2 + outputs_start3 + outputs_start4 + outputs_start5 ) / 5 outputs_end = ( outputs_end1 + outputs_end2 + outputs_end3 + outputs_end4 + outputs_end5 ) / 5 # Apply softmax to the predicted start and end logits outputs_start = torch.softmax(outputs_start, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy() outputs_end = torch.softmax(outputs_end, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy()
# Convert the start and end scores to actual predicted spans (in string form) for px, tweet in enumerate(orig_tweet): selected_tweet = orig_selected[px] tweet_sentiment = sentiment[px] _, output_sentence = calculate_jaccard_score( original_tweet=tweet, target_string=selected_tweet, sentiment_val=tweet_sentiment, idx_start=np.argmax(outputs_start[px, :]), idx_end=np.argmax(outputs_end[px, :]), offsets=offsets[px] ) final_output.append(output_sentence)
# post-process trick: # Note: This trick comes from: # When the LB resets, this trick won't help defpost_process(selected): return" ".join(set(selected.lower().split()))
class AverageMeter:
Computes and stores the average and current value
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.val = 0
self.avg = 0
self.sum = 0
self.count = 0
def update(self, val, n=1):
self.val = val
self.sum += val * n
self.count += n
self.avg = self.sum / self.count